
Can I modify my order? If yes, how ?

You can change your order if you contact us very soon after placing it. Send us a message via the contact page right here .

I have not received a confirmation email, what should I do?

The first thing to do would be to check that the order confirmation email is not in your spam folder. It's rare but you never know.

Always nothing ? Contact us via the form right here !

Is the payment on the site secure?

Payment processing on our platform is 100% secure. You have nothing to worry about.

We work with the best partners to guarantee the security of your data.

What if I receive the wrong product or the product is faulty?

First of all we would like to apologize. Contact us quickly so that we can resolve the situation!

It's happening right here .

How to return or exchange a product?

If the product is neither unpacked nor used, you can send it back to us by contacting us right here .

Need help or advice?

Contact us right here and we will be happy to discuss with you!


In which geographical area do you deliver?

We currently deliver in Europe but are working to be able to deliver to more countries, while respecting our environmental action.

How is the delivery going?

Your order is dispatched within 24 hours (excluding weekends).

You then receive the Colissimo tracking number and it is generally delivered to you within 1 to 2 working days.

If necessary, you can always contact us!

What is the delivery delay ?

Your order is dispatched within 24 hours (excluding weekends).

You then receive the Colissimo tracking number and it is generally delivered to you within 1 to 2 working days.

Is the delivery carbon neutral?

We pay the greatest attention to our ecological footprint at every stage of the process.

We deliver with Colissimo which guarantees carbon neutral delivery!


Are L'Essence des Notes fragrances unisex?

Yes, our perfumes are unisex.

However, on each perfume, we indicate precisely if the fragrance is more feminine or masculine.

Finally, many of our customers like more "masculine" fragrances and vice versa. The important thing is that you like it and brings you well-being!

How are our perfumes eco-responsible?

For more than 10 years now, we have been working with the finest French materials with the aim of participating in the preservation of ancestral know-how.

Our perfumes are made up of up to 95% ingredients of natural origin and our packaging is recycled and recyclable.

Our entire production chain is located in France.

Our products are vegan and dermatologically tested to guarantee you serenity and well-being. They are tested and validated in the laboratory in the independent institute IDEA (Bordeaux, France): skin compatibility, phototoxic potential and safety for human health.

At each stage of the process, we pay the greatest attention to the choice of materials and our partners.

How do I properly apply my perfume?

We recommend that you apply it to a pulse point such as the wrists or behind the ears.

Avoid the neck or the chest, you could saturate your nose and no longer smell your perfume.

Is there alcohol in perfumes?

Yes, our perfumes contain beet alcohol guaranteed GMO-free. If you have any questions about the content of our perfumes, do not hesitate to ask us your questions right here !

How long can I keep my perfume once opened?

There is no usage limit.

However, the scent can become more intense with time and maturation. The color can also evolve, without risk in use.

Can the color of my perfume change?

The color of some fragrances may change over time.

Rest assured, this is a natural phase that has no impact on its use.

A few tips for best preserving your perfume: keep it away from light and heat.